Recently, management scholarship has been criticized more and more, mainly in two aspects: one is the lack of relevance; the other is the dysfunction caused by published papers based on academic competition. In order to defend the academic spirit of management, we put forward two arguments. First, criticizing management as academic is flawed because of its irrelevance. This criticism itself is irrelevant, did not recognize the nature of the academic. Management scholars should feel extremely proud of our academics, not lose confidence. It is this kind of scholasticism that has forced modern business schools to discard the highly “relevant” but academically collapsing “trade faculty” model of the 1950s. Second, we think our academic competition resembles the Olympics, attracting the entire human race. Obviously, the ability to get an Olympic medal (like racing, skating, shooting a player) has little to do with the real world. But importantly, that concentration, discipline and dedication represent the very spirit of humankind’s pursuit of excellence. The same is true of the academic spirit that we strongly advocate and support here.