近5年我国小儿急诊医学取得了长足的进步,危重症的诊断治疗水平有较大提高。1 危重症评估与检测11 制定标准 中华急诊医学会儿科学组和中华儿科学会急诊组1994年制定了小儿危重病例评分法(草案)及多系统器官功能衰竭的诊断标准。这两项标准在1995年太原第?
In the past five years, pediatric emergency medicine in our country has made great progress, and the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients have been greatly improved. 1 critically ill assessment and testing 1 1 set standards Chinese emergency medical pediatrics group and Chinese Pediatric Society Emergency Group in 1994 to develop a pediatric critical illness score (draft) and multi-system organ failure diagnostic criteria. These two standards in Taiyuan in 1995?