View Cast软件在大型铸钢件铸造工艺设计中的应用

来源 :热加工工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxiangff
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以大型铸钢齿轮为例,介绍了利用ViewCast软件进行铸造工艺设计的新方法。首先根据裸件的凝固时间和热节数计算出冒口尺寸和数目,然后对铸件及其冒口进行凝固计算,根据计算结果优化得出最佳的补缩系统。然后进行浇注系统的设计计算,并对铸件的充型凝固过程进行了计算,计算结果表明该铸造工艺能平稳地进行充型,补缩系统能有效补缩凝固过程中所需要的金属。 Taking large cast steel gears as an example, this paper introduces a new method of casting process design using ViewCast software. First, the size and number of risers are calculated according to the setting time and the number of hot knots of the naked parts. Then, the castings and their risers are solidified, and the optimal feeding system is optimized according to the calculation results. Then, the design and calculation of the pouring system are carried out. The filling and solidification process of the castings is calculated. The calculation results show that the casting process can be smoothly filled and the shrinking system can effectively supplement the metal needed for the solidification process.