亚太电信组织(APT)成立于1979年7月1日,总部设在泰国曼谷。APT 是一个服务于亚太地区电信事业的新兴的政府间区域性电信组织,现有会员23个、准会员2个和列席会员20个。多年来,我国积极参加亚太电信组织的各项活动,与各会员国进行了富有成效的交流与合作。自1980年以来,我国先后共派出和接待来华团体100多批。1985年、1990年曾在我国广州举办过APT 研究组会议;在北京举办过APT 第5届大会和第14届管理委员会会议;在北京邮电学院及南京邮电学院还举办了四期培训班。积极参加APT 的各项活动,能较好地促进我国电信事业的发展。
Asia Pacific Telecommunications Organization (APT) was established on July 1, 1979 and is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. APT is an emerging intergovernmental regional telecommunications organization serving telecommunications in the Asia Pacific region. It has 23 members, 2 associate members and 20 attending members. Over the years, China has actively participated in various activities of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and conducted fruitful exchanges and cooperation with member states. Since 1980, China has sent and received more than 100 batches of delegations to China. In 1985 and 1990, he held the APT Research Group Meeting in Guangzhou, China. He held the 5th APT Conference and the 14th Management Committee Meeting in Beijing, and held four training courses at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Actively participate in the activities of APT, can better promote the development of China’s telecommunications industry.