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  英富曼公司展览部门Informa Exhibitions日前更名为“英富曼市场”(Informa Markets),且为之推出了新的名称和品牌标识,以及一个新的企业网站,反映了该业务的持续发展和扩展。 “我们的展会项目涉及的行业十分广泛。
  2018年,与专注于会展业务的博闻公司合并以后,Informa Markets仍聚焦于会展业务,这是一个强大的单一品牌,将我们所有的团队成员、合作伙伴和客户聚集在我们日益广泛的国际投资组合中。“ Informa Markets包括550多个国际B2B活动和品牌,以及专业的数字内容和数据解决方案,在全球40多个国和地区拥有超过4400名员工。
  Informa rebrands exhibition division
  Informa Markets, the division of Informa PLC formerly known as Informa Exhibitions, has introduced a new name and brand identity and launched a new corporate website, reflecting the ongoing development and expansion of the business.
  Informa Markets consists of more than 550 international B2B events and brands, as well as specialist digital content and data solutions, with over 4,400 colleagues based in more than 40 countries around the globe. informa.com/NewBrandIdentity
  日前,可持续发展会议管理机构MeetGreen面向活动参与者发布了一个免费工具,帮助他们以简单有趣的方式了解自身参加会展活动对环境产生的影响。 这个基于网络的应用程序会计算出包装、运输和饮食等,以证明每个参会代表相关选择的重要性。通过该应用程序,参会者可以 即时了解个人在参加会展活动时对水、能源的消耗和环境排量的影响。
  Event footprint calculation the fun way
  Sustainable conference management agency MeetGreen has released a free tool for event participants to understand their environmental impact in an easy and fun way. The webbased app considers packaging, transportation and food to demonstrate how much individual choices matter. The instant results show the individual impact on water, energy and emissions saved. myeventfootprint.com
  该项目得到了会展中心和墨尔本市城市森林基金的支持。新农场的目标是每年出产超过5吨的新鲜农产品,大部分农产品捐赠给墨尔本食品慈善机构,以及供墨尔本Skyfarm咖啡馆使用。 MCEC首席执行官Peter King表示,“墨尔本空中农场是会展中心为墨尔本CBD的可持续发展做出的独特贡献。我们将与空中农场团队密切合作,探索它可以为会展中心的客户、访客和员工提供什么样的机会。”该项目计划于2019年下半年完成样板区建设,而整座农场将于2020年底完工。
  MCEC adds Skyfarm to car park
  A group of leading Melbourne-based sustainability companies are collaborating to transform the 2,000 square metre Siddeley Street rooftop car park, managed by Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), into a thriving farm with sustainable and contemporary dining, education and event spaces.
  The project has won the support of MCEC and City of Melbourne’s Urban Forest Fund. The farm aims to grow over five tonnes of fresh produce per annum, with a large proportion of produce being donated to Melbourne food charities, as well as being used on the menu of the Melbourne Skyfarm cafe. MCEC Chief Executive Peter King said "Melbourne Skyfarm is a unique opportunity for MCEC to contribute to the sustainability of the Melbourne CBD. We will work closely with the Skyfarm team to explore the many exciting opportunities this new partnership can offer MCEC’s customers, visitors and employees." The project aims to construct a demonstration working farm for the second half of 2019, with all elements and buildings completed by late 2020. melbourneskyfarm.com.au
由杜塞尔多夫展览公司举办的杜塞尔多夫葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会(ProWine)是世界规模最大和最受瞩目的葡萄酒和烈酒贸易展览会,上届展会于2019年3月15-17日举办,来自64个国家的约6,900家展商参与其中。自世界各地超过60,000名专业观众汇聚一堂,与展商进行洽谈,使杜塞尔多夫再次成为美食家、葡萄酒爱好者和世界探险家的乐土。  与往年一样,下届展览会同期举办“ProWein Goes Ci
5月10日 “中国品牌日”当天,杭州嘉诺展览有限公司展咖特辑直播,嘉诺会展创始人兼CEO程伟围绕参展企业的品牌建设进行了精彩分享。  在直播中,程伟表示:疫情期间,哪些企业还可以正常运行甚至在疫情结束之后快速反弹?一定是品牌企业。而对于会展企业来说,为什么要讲究“无品牌 不营销”呢?现在市面上的会展企业有三大类:会展服务公司、会展营销公司、会展主办公司。第一类是最多的,门槛低,只是做服务、搭展台,
As the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading all around the world, it takes the combined effort and global view to win the victory rather than just caring about the individual country.  新冠病毒來势汹汹,一觉醒来已席卷全球。面对
沈阳博览馆进入第三年向好运营  自3月15日以来,沈阳新世界博览馆(下称“博览馆”)已成功举办三场重要的展览活动,参展观众总人数突破12.4万,成功开启第三年的运营。相较于2018年,其中两场展会的特许场地面积均实现10%以上的增长。  博览馆总经理陈倩女士有信心地表示,沈阳作为中国东北辽宁省的省会城市,将继续经济增长态势。自2017年3月开业以来,博览馆凭借卓越的设备设施和地理位置上的优势以及政
The challenges that have arisen so quickly in connection with the recent COVID-19 outbreak are good reminders of how fast things can change in our hyper-connected world. The impacts on our industry ar
Based on the reports of both ICCA and UFI, the Asia/Pacific region remained the growth area of the world’s MICE industry. Thailand, meanwhile, remained at the top of ASEAN in the international meeting
Agora Bogotá Convention Centre is located strategically 3 km (two miles) from the historic centre of Bogotá and 8 km (five miles) from El Dorado International airport - and within the trade fairs, eve
大西洋城會议中心获LEED绿色建筑认证  5月初,由场地管理公司Spectra管理的大西洋城会议中心获得美国绿色建筑委员会颁发的LEED金质认证。“大西洋城会议中心的LEED认证体现了我们在绿色建筑方面的领导力。”USGBC总裁兼首席执行官Mahesh Ramanujam表示。会议中心相关负责人Jim Wood补充说:“获得LEED认证将增加我们的竞争优势,这一奖项让会展中心在可持续发展方面跻身于
“Calsee云展”用科技引領会展行业快速复工  为了在危机中寻求突破,重振中国企业特别是中小企业的信心,圣客国际会展公司联合德国维特集团推出“Calsee云展系统”,运用5G、大数据和区块链等最新技术,让身在世界任何角落的参展商,均可以第一视角参加展会,身临其境与现场客商高效沟通。  线上,通过Calsee平台,参展商坐在国内的办公室的电脑屏幕前,与千里之外展会现场的客商逐一通过音视频无障碍沟通
In December 2019, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, released new research: a white paper on the importance of matchmaking in the exhibition industry. Authored by the UFI Marketin