深圳市宝安区沙井镇蚝三坂本自行车厂是一家产品100%出口的日资企业。“我们按海关的要求,如实申报料件的单耗是5%,可有的企业报15%的都有!”陈经理气愤道:“这说明他们有10%的保税材料不需要交税!” 事隔一年,再问陈经理单耗的事情,他就会笑道:“我们还是报5%,但其他企业备案和核销的单耗大幅度降下来了。其他企业的单耗可能会比我们多一点,但是,这个多是在合理范围内的。因为我们工艺先进,用料省!” “这要感谢海关总署去年5月1日颁布执行的96号署令《单耗管理办法》和他们试点应用的单耗数据库管理系统。如果没有这个统一的单耗管理办法,没有深圳海关统一的单耗数据库的操作使用的话,我们的企业可能不会再生存下去。”陈经理由衷地说。“它创造了公平竞争的环境。既保护了合法企业的正当权益,又为国把了关。”
Bao’an District, Shenzhen City Shajing Town oyster Sakamoto Bicycle Factory is a 100% export products of Japanese-funded enterprises. “We according to the requirements of the Customs, the unit consumption of the truthfully declared materials is 5%, and some companies reported that 15%!” Manager Chen angrily said: “This shows that they have 10% of bonded materials do not need to pay taxes! ”After a year, and then ask Mr. Chen consumption of things, he would laughed:“ We still reported 5%, but other companies record and write-off significantly reduced unit consumption. Consumption of other companies may Will be a little more than us, but this is mostly within the reasonable range because of our advanced technology, the province! ”“ Thanks to the General Administration of Customs issued on May 1 last year, Order No. 96 ”unit consumption management Approach “and their pilot application of the consumption of database management system without such a unified consumption management practices, the Shenzhen Customs unit consumption database without a unified operation, then our business may not survive.” Manager Chen sincerely Say it. “It has created an environment of fair competition, which not only protects the legitimate rights and interests of legitimate enterprises but also sets the stage for the country.”