新世纪,彩妆以什么样的风貌占领时尚? 综观今年新上市的的彩妆产品,除了晶亮亮、充满金属光泽感的质地,在外观的设计上也非常地前卫和未来线条,带给现代女性一种前所来有的新鲜感受。具有科技外观的彩妆品提到外观,最具有科技面像的莫过于由著名雕塑家Pablo Reinoso为纪梵希设计的“魔镜系列”宛如太空火箭的银灰色金属外壳,呈现了流畅、俐落的线条感,饰以圆弧型的镜面.让美眉可以直接对着口红盖补妆,非常地便利,最适合工作繁忙又得兼顾形象忙碌的美眉,同样的设计概念,也在YSL刚上市的丝质唇膏中出现。香奈儿新推出的“艳遇光”系列,其中
The new century, make-up to what kind of style occupy the fashion? Looked at this year’s new listing of make-up products, in addition to crystal bright, full of metallic luster texture, the appearance of the design is also very avant-garde and futuristic lines, to modern women A pre-existing fresh feeling. Appearance with the appearance of science and technology cosmetics, the most scientific and technical aspects than the famous sculptor Pablo Reinoso designed for Givenchy “mirror series ” like a space rocket silver metallic shell, showing a smooth, neat The sense of line, decorated with arc-shaped mirror so that the crush can be directly against the lipstick cover makeup, very convenient, the most suitable for busy work and take into account the image of the busy crush, the same design concept, also YSL just listed Appears in a silky lipstick Chanel new “Yan Yu light ” series, of which