
来源 :解放军艺术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhijiazhz
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值红军长征胜利80周年之际,考察红军长征路上的文艺创作和演出,不仅会丰富现有的解放军文艺史,而且对于新形势下的军队文艺工作具有参考意义。长征路上的文艺队伍主要有一方面军的战士剧社、火线剧社、猛进剧社,四方面军的前进剧社,以及二、六军团和红二十五军的宣传队,队伍有低龄化、人员数量不断消减、组织结构健全等共同面貌。文艺宣传采取的主要形式有标语、唱歌、舞蹈、戏剧等,并呈现出创作时间短、设备简陋、功能性强、融合多区域和多民族文艺成分等特点,其主要功能是提高战斗力、扩大红军、瓦解敌军。文艺创演在长征路上发挥巨大作用这一事实启示我们,军队文艺工作必须坚持党的领导和为兵服务。 On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army, an inspection of the literary and artistic creation and performances on the Long March of the Red Army will not only enrich the current literary and art history of the People’s Liberation Army but also serve as a reference for the military literature and art in the new situation. There are mainly a number of literature and art teams on the Long March, including the Warrior Theater Company, Firewire Drama Theater, Mengjin Theater Company, the Forward Theater Company of the Fourth Front Army, and the propaganda team of the Second and Sixth Corps and the Red Twenty-fifth Army. The teams are younger and the number of personnel Constantly reduce, organizational structure and other common features. The main forms of literature and art propaganda are slogans, singing, dancing, drama, etc., and show the characteristics of short creation time, simple equipment, strong function, integration of multi-regional and multi-ethnic literature and art components, and its main function is to improve combat effectiveness and expand the Red Army , Disintegrate the enemy. The fact that the creation of literature and art played a tremendous role in the long march has inspired us that we must uphold the party’s leadership and serve the army in its literary and art work.
常读报常觉某些记者失之于粗疏,给报道留下了些许遗憾。比如新闻写作,基本的五个W(五个必备的事实要素),总要具备吧,但常常会丢三落四。  翻开2007年5月30日《文汇报》,有一篇该报记者发自墨西哥的新闻,题为《〈环球小姐〉花落日本》(主题),《中国张宁宁获〈最具亲和力小姐〉称号》(副题),内容以报道日本小姐获桂冠为主,但至少有一半文字报道了代表中国参加这次环球小姐总决赛的中国小姐张宁宁,这倒也合理
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