2015-07-17 16:59:47环球网[环球网综合报道]据英国《每日邮报》7月16日报道,俄罗斯首都莫斯科顶住经济不景气的局面,扩建大型购物中心,其零售空间总面积已超过巴黎,成为欧洲新的时尚之都。据悉,目前,莫斯科的零售空间已达453多万平方米,而先前一直享有“欧洲第一购物目的地”的巴黎,其零售空间也仅仅只有450万平方米。据专家预测,俄罗斯经济在未来仍会呈下滑趋势。专家称,发展管理成本低,发展潜力大的小型购物中心是应对该经济现状的上上之策。2015年,将有6个大型国际性购物中心相续在莫斯科开张营业。
According to the British “Daily Mail” reported on July 16, the Russian capital Moscow to withstand the economic downturn, the expansion of large shopping centers, its retail The total area of space has surpassed Paris to become Europe’s new fashion capital. It is reported that at present, Moscow has reached more than 4.53 million square meters of retail space, and previously enjoyed “Europe’s first shopping destination,” Paris, the retail space is only 4.5 million square meters. Experts predict that the Russian economy will continue to decline in the future. According to experts, the development of small shopping malls with low management costs and great potential for development is the best solution to the economic situation. In 2015, six large international shopping malls will be opened in Moscow.