
来源 :明清小说研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yl1992zhangshu0804
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刘世德同志在“演讲”和有关论文中,于讨论吴敬梓父亲问题时,对所引用的文献典籍多有误记、误解和曲解;对前辈时贤的研究成果,或摒弃正确结论而坚信错误记叙,或予忽视、漠视;在此基础上进行的考证,其结论自然是不可信、也不能成立的。此外,将正常的学术讨论与“政治运动”挂钩的不正常的做法,也不利于学术研究的健康发展。 Comrade Liu Shide made many misunderstandings, misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the citations of the cited documents when discussing the fatherhood of Wu Jing-k’u in his “Speech” and related essays; he firmly believed in the research results of his predecessors, Yin, or abandoned the correct conclusion Narrative, or to ignore, ignore; textual research carried out on the basis of this, the conclusion is naturally not credible, it can not be established. In addition, the unusual practice of linking normal academic discussions with “political movements” is not conducive to the healthy development of academic research.