An interpretation of the standards of the fifth assessment and rating of public libraries for childr

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengyidaocaoren
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The standards of the fifth assessment and rating of children’s library are revised on the basis of the fourth one.The revision work considers factors from three aspects:the public nature of the children’s library,the particularity of the children’s library,and the different orientation and function of library at all levels in the regional children’s library service system.The revision work focuses on the following aspects:optimizing the framework and the scores of indicators,adjusting the amount of indicators,improving indicators of facilities and equipment,funds and personnel,and document resources,and regulating the standard of dividing different levels for different scores.The research of standard revision exposed the lack of relevant statistics,less previous research findings and an imperfect system of standards. The standards of the fifth assessment and rating of children’s library are revised on the basis of the fourth one. The revision work considers factors from three aspects: the public nature of the children’s library, the particularity of the children’s library, and the different orientation and function of library at all levels in the regional children’s library service system. The revision work focuses on the following aspects: optimizing the framework and the scores of indicators, adjusting the amount of indicators, improving indicators of facilities and equipment, funds and personnel, and document resources, and regulating the standard of dividing different levels for different scores. the research of standard revision exposed the lack of relevant statistics, less previous research findings and an imperfect system of standards.
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