放眼当今国内男子篮坛,王治郅、姚明、巴特尔仨大个儿总是在第一时间出现在人们的视野里。正是他们在身高上的绝对优势,把我国男篮在亚洲的鹤立鸡群凸现得分外明显,而且王治郅、姚明、巴特尔三人先后被美国NBA和IBL关注的事实,也证明了他们个人的能力以及中国篮球在国际篮坛越来越重要的地位。 中国男篮之所以在亚运会和亚锦赛接连奏凯,篮管中心在总结成绩时认为有三大优势:1,国家男篮现役球员正值盛年,各方面都在成熟期;2.三位大中锋在亚洲傲视群雄;3.“利雅得”失利,使全队上下憋着劲要报仇。三个大中锋被当做优势之一,可见他们的地位与重要性。而三人之首,非王治郅莫属。据从美国回来的朋友说,在那个篮球王国,提到中国篮球运动及球员,美国人可能心存陌生,但若提到王治郅,人们便会点头表示“熟悉”:“他不就是小牛队今年选中的中国新秀嘛!”说大郅是近年来中国男篮的“名片”毫不过分。
Looking at today’s domestic men’s basketball, Wang Zhizhi, Yao Ming, Barthel 仨 big children always appear in people’s field of vision the first time. It is their absolute superiority in height that highlights the outstanding performance of our men’s basketball team in Asia and the fact that Wang Zhizhi, Yao Ming and Battell have been followed by the NBA and IBL in the United States. It also proves their personal abilities and Chinese basketball in the international basket more and more important position. The reason why the Chinese men’s basketball in the Asian Games and Asian Championships continued Kay, the Basketball Center in the summary of the results that there are three major advantages: 1, the national men’s basketball active players at a time when all aspects are in maturity; Big center in Asia, disdain for the pack; 3. “Riyadh” defeat, the team up and down simmering to take revenge. Three big centers are regarded as one of the advantages, we can see their status and importance. The first of the three, non-Wang Zhi Zun go none other than. According to a friend who came back from the United States, in that basketball kingdom, referring to Chinese basketball and players, Americans may be unfamiliar, but if Wang Zhizhi is mentioned, people will nod and say “familiar”: “He is not the Mavs selected this year Chinese rookie it! ”Said Big Bang is the“ business card ”of Chinese men’s basketball in recent years is not excessive.