儿童的智力发育受遗传与环境因素的双重影响,而后天的环境及教育程度则是智能发育的必备条件。本文就家庭环境对儿童智力影响因素作了抽样分析,旨在为优生优育优教及儿童智力开发提供依据。1 对象与方法1·1 对象:对工农兵小学和王兆小学2年级以上及122中高2年级学生进行集体筛选。按《韦氏儿童智力量表》达到130
The intellectual development of children is affected by both genetic and environmental factors, and the acquired environment and education level are the prerequisites for intelligent development. This paper makes a sampling analysis of the factors influencing children’s intelligence in family environment, which aims to provide the basis for prenatal education and children’s intelligence development. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object: The workers and peasants primary and Wangzhao primary school more than the second grade and 122 sophomore students for collective screening. According to “Webster Children Intelligence Scale” to 130