Emerging three-dimensional static memory will be used instead of two-dimensional static memory is widely used in high-performance microprocessors, but it will still be vulnerable to soft errors. In order to quickly and automatically analyze the three-dimensional static memory soft error characteristics of multi-layer die stack structure, a three-dimensional static memory soft error analysis platform was built. Using this platform, the soft error analysis of three-dimensional static memory and two-dimensional static memory of the same scale designed by word line is carried out separately, and the analysis results are compared. The results show that the two-dimensional and three-dimensional static memory flip-flops are almost the same, but the soft errors that occur in a single word of three-dimensional static memory are more serious than the two-dimensional static memory, which makes it harder to use the error correction technique to reinforce it. Static mode two-dimensional and three-dimensional static memory-sensitive nodes are distributed in the storage array, indicating that the static mode logic does not cause soft errors.