看过《帝企鹅日记》,真的深为企鹅刻 苦耐劳,坚忍不拔的品性感动。漫天冰雪 中,成千上万只企鹅群拥挤在一起遮风挡 雪,雄企鹅用脚和身体护住孕育下一代的 企鹅蛋,几个月静立着,枕戈待旦,稍有 闪失,蛋碰到冰面,小企鹅就会胎死腹中。 雌企鹅要跋涉到遥远的大海捕食,海面下 是伺机杀戮的海豹,若雌企鹅遇害,两个 生命和雄企鹅几个月的艰辛将付诸东流。
Read the “Emperor penguin diary,” really penguin hard-working, perseverance touched the character. In the midst of snow and ice, thousands of penguins crowded together to block the snow. The male penguins nurtured the next generation of penguins with their feet and body and stood still for months. Face, small penguins will be aborted. Female penguins to trek to the distant sea prey, under the sea is an opportunistic killing of the seals, if the female penguins were killed, two months of life and the male penguins hardships will be put to waste.