情人节(2月14日)又到了,想知道你的他对你的爱有多深吗?只要伸出右手,让对方握你五指其中的一个手指,即可真相大白。男性同样可以测验,以左手为准。本方法为趣味测试,仅供娱乐。 A.大拇指 B.食指 C.中指 D.无名指
Valentine’s Day (February 14) is here again, wondering how deep your love for you is? As long as you reach out to your right hand and let your fingers hold one of your fingers, you can tell the truth. Men can test the same, with the left hand prevail. This method is a fun test, for entertainment purposes only. A. thumb B. index finger C. middle finger D. ring finger