The ceremony for signingRMB5 billion“ExplorativeFinance Cooperative Agree-ment”between ShanghaiChemical Industry Park(SCIP) Development Co.,Ltd and China Develop-ment Bank (CDB) was heldin Shanghai on September11th.This agreement is tar-geting to provide invest-ment support for the earlylaunch of 10 million t/a re-finery and 1 million t/a eth-ylene cracker in Shanghai.If the project would be
The ceremony for signing RBMB5 billion “Explorative Finance Cooperative Agree ment ” between Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP) Development Co., Ltd and China Development Bank (CDB) was held in Shanghai on September 11 th. This agreement is tar-geting to provide invest -ment support for the earlylaunch of 10 million t / a re-finery and 1 million t / a eth-ylene cracker in Shanghai.If the project would be