美国海军航空母舰(CV/CVN)和美海岸警备队高端快艇(WHEC)准备在改进型WLE—1H ESM系统的海上试验成功前接收一套该系统,系统的海上试验计划1999年6月开始.宽带系统公司已获得初值为130万美元的合同,维修改进AN/WLR—1H(V)5,延长其使用寿命,但是据接近该计划的一位消息灵通人士透露,最终结果将产生一种新型ESM系统——AN/WLR-1H(V)7.这位人士还说,新系统将只保留(V) 5系统的天线,其余部件将被修改或替换掉.实际上,(V)5系统的35个外场可更换部件(LRU)在新系统中将由5个LRU替代,整个系统的重量从3000多磅(1362kg)降至约200磅(90.8kg),到达时间的测量精度将提高至半纳秒级.
The US Naval Aircraft Carrier (CV / CVN) and the US Coast Guard High Speed Boat (WHEC) are prepared to receive one such system prior to the successful maritime trial of the enhanced WLE-1H ESM system, which will begin its pilot maritime trial program in June 1999. The Broadband System The company has secured a contract valued at $ 1.3 million initially and repaired AN / WLR-1H (V) 5 to extend its useful life, but according to a source familiar with the project, the end result will be a new type of ESM System - AN / WLR-1H (V) 7. The same person added that the new system will only retain the antenna of the (V) 5 system and the rest of the components will be modified or replaced. 35 Field Replaceable Units (LRUs) will be replaced by 5 LRUs in the new system, reducing the weight of the entire system from over 3000 pounds (1362 kg) to about 200 pounds (90.8 kg), improving the accuracy of arrival time to half Second level.