别林斯基说过:“艺术是现实的复制;从而,艺术的任务不是修改,不是美化生活,而是显示生活的实际存在的样子。”电影艺术是最接近生活的艺术形式,它必须要生活化和具有真实性,在这里不仅要求电影剧本(时代背景、故事情节、典型人物、语言等)有浓厚的生活气息,而且要求作用于人们视觉的电影画面(典型环境、人物服饰等)也要具有高度的真实性. 最近看了一些以文化大革命为时代背景的影片,我们认为有些影片在人物服饰上缺乏真实性。众所
Belinsky said: “Art is the reproduction of reality; therefore, the task of art is not to modify, to beautify life, but to show the real existence of life.” Movie art is the art form closest to life and it must be Living and authenticity, it is not only necessary to have a strong life style in the movie script (background, storyline, typical characters, language, etc.), but also to request movie scenes (typical environment, costumes, etc.) To have a high degree of authenticity.Looked at some of the recent Cultural Revolution for the background of the film, we believe that some films lack the authenticity of costumes. All