编辑同志: 2002年4月10日,某县法院对检察院提起公诉的周某贩毒一案开庭审理。审理查明周某共作案四次,其中前三次贩毒每次都只有1—2小包(不足1克), 第四次贩毒数量则达到10.1克。法庭审理结束后进行了当庭宣判。由于主审法官一时疏忽,将本该适用刑法第三百四十七条第三款(判处七年以上有期徒刑,并处罚金)错误地适用了刑法三百四十七条第四款(判处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金),从而作出了判处被告人周某有期徒刑三年、罚金一万元的错误判决。
Editorial Comrades: April 10, 2002, a county court prosecutors Procuratorate Zhou drug trafficking case trial. Trial found Zhou a total of four committing the crime, including the first three drug trafficking each time only 1-2 packets (less than 1 gram), the fourth drug trafficking reached 10.1 grams. Court trial concluded court trial. Due to the temporary negligence of the presiding judge, the third paragraph of article 377 of the Criminal Law (sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years and a fine) was mistakenly applied to the third sentence of Article 347 of the Criminal Law Imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fining a fine), thereby making a wrongful verdict of sentenced the defendant Zhou to three years in prison and fined 10,000 yuan.