由建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局于2002年1月10日发布、自2002年5月1日起实施的《建设工程文件归档整理规范》(以下简称《规范》),是加强建设工程档案管理的第一个国家标准。贯彻《规范》,加强建设工程竣工图(以下简称竣工图)标志管理不容忽视。一、竣工图标志管理存在的主要问题 1.对竣工图标志的特性认识不足,缺乏加强竣工图标志管理的自觉性具体表现一是在加盖竣工图章时不严肃、不认真,拿着竣工图章不加思考地到处乱盖,一处不行,再换一
The “Code for Archiving and Consolidating Construction Projects” (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”), promulgated by the Ministry of Construction and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on January 10, 2002 and implemented since May 1, 2002, is an effort to strengthen construction project archives Management of the first national standard. Implementation of “norms” to strengthen the construction of the project completion plans (hereinafter referred to as the completion plans) logo management can not be ignored. First, the completion of the logo management of the main problems 1. The lack of understanding of the characteristics of the logo of the as-built figure, the lack of strengthening the completion of the logo management consciousness of the concrete performance of the first stamp in the completion of the seal is not serious, not serious, with the completion of the seal Lost without thinking everywhere, one not, another one