据中新社报道,前一段时间,在流经吉林市区的松花江中,出现一些冬泳爱好者。但与众不同的是,这些冬泳爱好者游泳时全部一丝不挂。对于这些裸泳者的出现,市民说法不一。 记者问他们为什么裸泳。他们说:“以前都穿泳裤游,但上岸后泳裤就冻了,非常不舒服。再说这里离岸很远,岸上行人又少,也看不清。”据他们介绍,现在冬泳爱好者逐渐增多,而这一带新出现的裸泳者也有二三十人。
According to China News Agency reported some time ago, in the Songhua River flowing through the urban area of Jilin, there are some winter swimming enthusiasts. But the difference is that these winter swimming enthusiasts all swimming naked. Citizens have different opinions about the appearance of these nude swimmers. Reporters asked why they swim naked. They said: “In the past all swim trunks, but after landing ashore swimming trunks, very uncomfortable. Say here far offshore, pedestrians on the shore less, can not see.” According to them, and now winter swimming enthusiasts Gradually increased, and nude swimmers in this area there are twenty or thirty people.