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随着经济的快速发展,人们生活居住条件有了全面的改善,楼房成为人们生活居住的主要场所,使人们的居住条件有了全面的改善与提高,楼房的质量与安全问题成为人们关注的焦点,楼房建筑所采用的技术主要是钢筋混凝土框架结构为主,不但能够保证楼房安全,更能强化品质,是目前应用最广泛的建筑结构形式,随着多年的经验积累,虽然有了一些成绩,但从结构设计、现场施工各环节中,还暴露出许多不尽如人意的问题。文章主要通过对楼房结构设计计算、混凝土构造措施等方面进行分析,全面提出钢筋混凝土框架结构设计需注意的问题。 With the rapid economic development, people living and living conditions have been fully improved, the building has become the main place for people’s living, people living conditions have been fully improved and improved, the quality and safety of buildings become the focus of attention The technology used in building construction is mainly reinforced concrete frame structure, not only to ensure the safety of buildings, but also to enhance the quality, is currently the most widely used form of building structure, with many years of accumulated experience, although there are some achievements, However, from the structural design, on-site construction of various links, but also exposed many unsatisfactory issues. The article mainly analyzes the design and calculation of building structure and measures of concrete structure, and puts forward the problems that should be paid attention to in the design of reinforced concrete frame structure.
本文设计新风系统是根据人们作息规律、室内污染物浓度来控制新风系统启闭的2种运行方式,计算其1个供暖季新风负荷分别为4455.58 MJ,4451.83 MJ,风机能耗分别为136.75 MJ,119