Art developed in close connection with the inheritance and innovation

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  In various factors about the development of art, the inheritance and the innovation are a pair of important basic rule, plays an important role on the development of art.
  Art is a response to social life, the continuity of social material life determines the continuity of social spiritual life development, making art development continuity, and the continuity of art development also makes the artistic development historical inheritance. At the same time, the development of art history inheritance is by the nature of art itself and is decided by the mission of the artistic life. Art development history of the inheritance is refers to the impact of the former generations art to future generations and Offspring of art keep the positive results of before the generation of art,its first performance for the absorption of this national outstanding art heritage and acceptance the other ethnic groups, national excellent cultural and artistic achievements. Art history inheritance, have outstanding performance in the form of art and skill, content, aesthetic idea and creation method. Inheritance is a universal law in the development of art history.
  Art is changes over time. Art development is a process of give up the old and to introduce a new. Therefore, The task of art, nature and appreciate the aesthetic demand determine the innovation of art. Innovation is the inevitable law of art development. In order to the innovation of art, we should adhere to the principle of criticism,take the good aspect and give up the bad aspect of the past cultural and create a new work of art. At the same time adhere to the innovation at content, artistic form of art, artistic language and so on to adapt to the new age of people to the requirement of aesthetic culture and art,then make the development of the art from immature to mature, present the age characteristics.
  In the development of art ,the inheritance and innovation are closely linked together. In the development of art, innovation is the purpose of inheritance, only the inheritance for the purpose of innovation is the inheritance of science; Inheritance is the foundation of innovation, only innovation based on inheritance is a valuable innovation.
  Creation and development of art only combining inheritance and innovation can create the works of art have the age characteristics. Like most wonderful Venus sculpture and with a strong tragic color of Laocoon sculpture are originated from Greek mythology. Renaissance art as the art of The last supper,Genesis, The virgin and the son are all based on The Christian bible. these works of art at the skill, content, aesthetic idea and creation method have made keep and acceptance of traditional culture and art heritage, then make the work is closely combined with national cultural psychological structure, make a work can be accepted by others and reflects the era characteristic. These works in inheritance keep excellent traditional culture and art heritage, at the same time according to the changes of the times and characteristic make innovation in the content and form. Such as the painting in Renaissance from the "god" to "people" .This period of paintings such as The virgin and the son.The author Angelina has continued in the style of art and make the innovation, the first take female life woven into the statue of the virgin. His painting is adopting the new technique of light and shade perspective,both joined the human factor, and keep the traditional feature of religious art.The work on the content, form and style have innovationed, and at the same time retain the excellent traditional culture and art inheritance. These works in the inheritance and innovation are closely linked to the characteristics of the times,up to the people to the requirement of art and make the art achieve prosperity.
  Therefore, we should not only inherit the traditional art, but the selective absorption.Make the creation of the artistic technique of expression to constantly adapt to the new age people to the demand of aesthetic culture and art. In the process of the development of art,we should make inheritance combining with innovation,then make sure the art get continuously development and prosperity. Inheritance and innovation is our important method in the development of art. On the basis of critical to inheritance, according to the social requirements of the new era to make bold innovation. To correctly handle the relationship between inheritance and innovation , so as to promote the prosperity and development of the art.
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