
来源 :贵州社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marswood
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公民政治参与是巴黎公社民主政治的重要内容,它在公社的实践与运行是对社会主义政治文明发展的伟大贡献。它的实践形态以“生产者群众”为参与主体,以政治权利与公共利益的实现为参与动力,以物质基础的供给与免费教育的实施为参与基础,以“自由人的联合体”为参与目的,体现出独特的民主特性,这对当代我国正确处理公民直接政治参与和政治效能之间的关系、合理确定政治参与的广度与限度、科学优化政治参与形式与平台、理性对待民主政治参与的渐进性与突进性等都具有深刻启示。 Citizen’s political participation is an important part of the democratic politics of the Paris Commune. Its practice and operation in the commune is a great contribution to the development of socialist political civilization. Its practice form takes “producer masses ” as the main body of participation, taking the realization of political rights and public interests as the motivation for participation, the material basis of supply and the implementation of free education as the basis for participation, with the “Free People’s Consortium ”For the purpose of participation, reflecting the unique characteristics of democracy, which is right for our contemporary government to correctly handle the relationship between direct political participation and political effectiveness, to determine the breadth and limits of political participation, to scientifically optimize the form and platform of political participation, rational treatment The gradual progress and breakthrough of democratic political participation all have profound enlightenment.
<正> 德国在近20多年里大规模地进行城市更新,城市面貌焕然一新,城市功能更合理,公共基础设施更齐全,居民的生活品质大大提高。图1反映了Barlingen城市中心更新前后的情景。