
来源 :湘潭大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyanwei
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圣经是基督教的圣典,历来被基督徒尊为信仰与立法的准则。但是,在欧洲中世纪,它却长期被封锁于教会殿堂之中,垄断于少数高级教士之手,遭到任意篡改和歪曲,成为美化封建神权统治的遮羞布。与此同时,奥古斯丁等教父的著作,罗马教廷的“圣训”、“教令集”等,则泛滥于世,将圣经排斥于一隅,形成喧宾夺主之势!因此,中世纪晚期,欧洲宗教改革的先驱威克里夫、胡司等人,为了反抗腐朽的罗马教廷,争取民族独立,建立廉俭教会,都提出圣经是信仰的唯一源泉,并着手将它译成英语和捷克语等民族语言,他们的宿愿至16世纪才得以实现。德国宗教改革家马丁·路德的德文圣经广泛传播于西欧,终于使原始基督教中自由、平等、博爱的精神得以发扬光大。圣经不仅成为早期资产阶级革命的理论基础,而且也成了农民和平民起义的“有力武器”。 The Bible is a holy book of Christianity, which has long been revered by Christians as a guide to faith and law. However, in the Middle Ages in Europe, it was blocked for a long time in the church hall, monopolized by the hands of a few high-level priests, was arbitrarily altered and distorted, and became a fig leaf to beautify the feudal theocracy. At the same time, the writings of the godfather, such as Augustine, the Holy See of the Holy See, and the Order of the Order of Jurisprudence are all over the world, excluding the Bible from the corner and forming the overwhelming potential! Therefore, in the late Middle Ages, Wycliffe and Hussein, the forerunners of the European Reformation, proposed that the Bible should be the sole source of faith in order to resist the decadent Holy See, fight for national independence and establish a profane church. Into English and Czech and other national languages, their aspirations to the 16th century to be achieved. The German Bible reformer Martin Luther, widely spread in Western Europe, finally made the freedom, equality and fraternity of Primitive Christianity flourish. The Bible not only served as a theoretical basis for the early bourgeois revolution but also as a “powerful weapon” for the peasant and civilian uprising.