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当前,高职院校家庭经济困难学生受助档案管理存在以下问题:档案数量较多,管理人手不够,档案管理工作量非常大;档案管理人员结构不够优化,存在年龄、专业、学历、职称等方面的欠缺;存放受助学生档案的空间有限,越来越不能满足档案存放的需求。笔者提出如下解决办法:适当增加人手,充实专业档案管理人员;优化人员结构,提高档案管理人员的专业化水平;重视档案管理工作;利用信息化技术,建立受助档案库大数据库,更好实行对贫困生的动态管理;档案的管理、挖掘与科研并举。 At present, there are some problems in the management of assisted file for the family financially disadvantaged students in higher vocational colleges: the large number of files, the insufficient management staffing and the heavy workload in the file management; the insufficient structure of the file management staff and the existence of age, profession, education, professional title, etc. As a result, there is limited space for storing the files of students who are aided and can not meet the needs of archives. The author proposes the following solutions: Appropriately increase manpower to enrich the professional file management staff; optimize the personnel structure and improve the professional level of file management staff; attention to file management; use of information technology, the establishment of aided database of large databases, better implementation The dynamic management of poor students; file management, mining and research simultaneously.
摘 要当前农村学校教师存在职业倦怠现象,而教师职业倦怠与其所拥有的文化资本的数量和质量密切相关。根据布迪厄文化资本分析理论,从文化资本的具体化、客观化、体制化三个方面对农村教师职业倦怠进行成因分析,并在此基础上探讨了改善这一状况的路径。  关键词文化资本;农村教师;职业倦怠  教育興则国兴,教育强则国强。教师是促进教育持续稳定发展,实现教育现代化和民族复兴的基石和保障。新时代背景下,我国部分农村教