自1975年 Baue 提出多系统器官衰竭(MSOF)概念以来,因其较高的死亡率(30~100%)而越来越受到人们的重视。本文拟就高血压性脑出血(以下简称脑出血)并发 MSOF24例进行分析讨论,达到早期监护高危人群、降低急诊病死率,改善脑出血预后的目的。一、诊断标准:高血压脑出血以1986年中华医学会第二次全国脑血管病学术会议“脑出血诊断标准”为依据。目前国际尚无统一的 MSOF 诊断标准,经过比较,我们采取国内陈德昌标准。即在应激状态时,发生在24小时以上,机体出现2个或2个以上的器官或系统功能同时或先后发生衰竭的临床综合征。二、并发率:从1988年2月~1989年9月急诊
Since Baue proposed the concept of MSOS in 1975, it has gained more and more attention due to its high mortality (30-100%). This article intends to hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (hereinafter referred to as cerebral hemorrhage) complicated by MSOF analysis of 24 cases to reach the early monitoring of high-risk groups, reduce emergency mortality and improve the prognosis of cerebral hemorrhage. First, the diagnostic criteria: Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage 1986 Chinese Medical Association second national conference on cerebrovascular disease “diagnostic criteria for cerebral hemorrhage” as the basis. At present, there is no unified MSOF diagnostic standard in the world. After comparison, we adopt the standard of domestic Chen Dechang. That is, in stress state occurs in more than 24 hours, the body appears two or more organs or system function at the same time or in succession has clinical syndrome. Second, the concurrency rate: from February 1988 to September 1989 emergency