覆盖广泛的科技期刊专业人士的明智选择国内外公开发行(双月刊)国内刊号:CN 11-5347/TB国内邮发代号:80-441定价:10元/期国际刊号:ISSN 1674-5795国际邮发代号:BM7117全年:60元《计测技术》面向国防及工业领域中的计量、测试及测量控制技术,重点宣传、推广各种测量新技术、新方法和动态测试与校准技术;重点介绍测试仪器仪表、传感器、测试系统校准装置的设计、研制。
Wise choice of professionals covering a wide range of science and technology journals Domestic and international public offering (bi-monthly) Domestic Issue Number: CN 11-5347 / TB National Postal Code: 80-441 Price: 10Yuan / Issue ISSN 1674-5795 International Post code: BM7117 Full year: 60 yuan “Measurement Technology” for national defense and industrial measurement, testing and measurement control technology, focusing on promotion, promotion of a variety of measurement techniques, new methods and dynamic testing and calibration techniques; Introducing the design and development of test instrumentation, sensors and test system calibration equipment.