文化资源大省·文化大省 上篇:千里陇原:中华民族文化资源的宝库——我省文化资源盘点

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文化是民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,是综合国力的重要因素,是经济社会发展的重要支撑。甘肃是中华民族重要的文化资源宝库。建设文化大省是我们甘肃人追求的理想和奋斗的目标。改革开放以来,以《丝路花雨》、《大梦敦煌》为代表的一批精品剧目,不断登上神州乃至世界舞台,并频繁获得各类大奖,倾倒了无数观众,奠定了我省戏剧在全国的优势地位。2002年至2003年,全国文化建设掀起高潮,省委、省政府及时提出将甘肃建设成为以敦煌文化为龙头,以丝绸之路文化、民族民间地域文化为重点的特色文化大省的战略目标。经过多年的努力,我省的特色文化大省建设在创新中实践,在实践中推进,取得了明显进展。特别是近年来,我省以抓精品、创市场为目标,走出了一条具有甘肃特色的高水平、低投入,两个效益俱佳的戏剧创作生产路子。2010年5月2日,国务院办公厅下发了《关于进一步支持甘肃经济社会发展的若干意见》,明确提出我省建设文化大省的宏伟目标。2010年5月24日,省上印发了《关于加快甘肃戏剧大省建设的若干意见》,提出把戏剧大省建设作为全省文化建设的着力点和促进文化发展繁荣的突破口,放在优先发展的位置,总目标是西部领先、全国一流。这是全国各省市区中就戏剧建设出台的第一份政策性文件,是特色文化大省建设的延续和深化,也为文化大省建设吹响了动员号。 Culture is an important source of national cohesion and creativity, an important factor in comprehensive national strength, and an important support for economic and social development. Gansu is a treasure house of important cultural resources for the Chinese nation. Building a cultural province is our goal and the goal pursued by Gansu people. Since the reform and opening up, a series of high-quality repertory represented by Silk Flower, Dream of the Day and the dream of big dreams continue to ascend to the stage of China and even the world. They have won numerous prizes frequently, dumped countless spectators, The dominant position in the country. From 2002 to 2003, the national cultural construction set off a climax. The provincial party committee and government put forward in time the strategic goal of building Gansu into a province of characteristic culture focusing on Dunhuang culture and focusing on the Silk Road culture and national folk regional culture. After years of hard work, the construction of a province with a special culture with characteristics and culture in our province has been practiced in innovation and progressed in practice, and remarkable progress has been made. In recent years, in particular, the province has taken the goal of grasping fine products and creating a market. It has taken a high-level, low-input, two-track production of dramatic productions with Gansu characteristics. On May 2, 2010, the General Office of the State Council issued “Several Opinions on Further Supporting the Economic and Social Development in Gansu Province”, clearly setting forth the grand goal of building a cultural province in our province. On May 24, 2010, a number of Opinions on Speeding up the Construction of a Gansu Province for Drama were printed in the province. It put forward that the construction of a major theater province should serve as a focal point of the province’s cultural construction and a breakthrough point to promote cultural development and prosperity and give priority to development The overall goal is to lead the west and to be first class in the country. This is the first policy document issued on the theater in various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China. It is the continuation and deepening of the construction of a special cultural province, and it also sounded a mobilization call for the building of a cultural province.
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