目的 对女性前牙反牙合患者乳牙期到替牙期与替牙期到恒牙早期的有限元分析结果进行比较性研究 ,以了解两个不同阶段下颌骨各部位生长发育的特点 ,溪前牙反牙合的预防和矫治手段的选择提供理论参考。方法 用方差分析对乳牙期 -替牙期和替牙期 -恒牙早期各单元各参数进行分析比较。结果 用有限元法进行人颅颌面生长发育研究是可行的 ,其结果是恒定的 ,与坐标系的选择和参照平面无关。两阶段髁状突生长行为相似 ,下颌升支生长率明显降低 ,下颌体高度继续保持较大的生长量 ,颏前部形态变化在M -P期更为明显。结论 有限元法目前虽然不能取代X线头影测量法 (RCM ) ,但可以作为RCM重要的、有益的补充 ,使对颅颌面形态的分析更科学、更全面、更细致
Objective To compare the results of finite element analysis from primary dentition to secondary dentition and early permanent dentition in female anterior crossbite patients in order to understand the characteristics of growth and development of each part of mandible in two different stages. Tooth anti-occlusion prevention and treatment options provide a theoretical reference. Methods ANOVA was used to analyze and compare the parameters of each unit in early stage of deciduous teeth - dentition and dentition - early teeth. Results Finite element method for human craniomaxillofacial growth and development is feasible, the result is constant, and the choice of coordinate system and the reference plane has nothing to do. The growth of mandibular condyle was similar in two stages, the growth rate of mandibular ascending branch was significantly decreased, the height of mandibular body continued to grow larger, and the morphological changes in front of chin were more obvious in M-P stage. Conclusion Although the finite element method can not replace the X-cephalometry (RCM), it can be used as an important and beneficial supplement to RCM, making the analysis of craniomaxillofacial morphology more scientific, comprehensive and detailed