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本文主要探讨长江上游输沙量、含沙量变化和减沙途径。在上游生态环境破坏程度日益加剧的情况下 ,1 95 0~ 1 985年长江输沙量、含沙量约每 1 2年以 4%的速率缓慢增长 ,1 992~1 997年大量减少。追根溯源系水库淤积的减沙作用。若无水库淤积拦沙 ,长江上游输沙量、含沙量年增长率将约达 1 % ,是相当可观的。根据水库拦沙效益 ,提出长江上游修建溪洛渡、亭子口、瀑布沟、构皮滩和白鹤滩等 5座大型水电站 ,与三峡枢纽共同进行水库泥沙联合调度 ,可使宜昌河段含沙量减少 1 / 2的年限延长达 1 5 0~ 2 0 0年 ;同时开展水土保持 ,可改变三峡下游河床冲刷后再淤积的不利局面。治水必治沙 ,通过“蓄水减沙 ,借水攻沙”的工程措施 ,和坚持不懈的水土保持 ,“标本兼治”,可使长江输沙量、含沙量长期减少 1 / 2 ,恢复到唐宋时代水平。 This paper mainly discusses the sediment transport in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, sediment concentration and sediment reduction approaches. With the increasing damage to the upper reaches of the ecological environment, the amount of sediment transport and sediment load in the Yangtze River increased slowly at a rate of 4% every 12 years from 1995 to 1985 and dropped significantly from 1992 to 1997. Tracing traceability is the sediment reduction effect of reservoirs. Without reservoir siltation sediment, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River sediment, sediment concentration will grow at an annual rate of about 1%, is quite considerable. According to the effectiveness of sediment storage, five large hydropower stations such as Xiluodu, Tingzikou, Pubugou, Goupitan and Baihetan are proposed to be constructed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The joint operation of reservoir and sediment with the Three Gorges Dam will reduce the sediment concentration in Yichang reach 1/2 of the extension of the period of 150 ~ 2000; at the same time to carry out soil and water conservation, can change the lower reaches of the Three Gorges river bed after the deposition of the unfavorable situation. Water treatment must be sand, through the “water and sediment reduction, water and sand” engineering measures, and unswerving soil and water conservation, “treating both the symptoms and root cause”, the Yangtze River sediment, sediment can be reduced by 1/2, restore To the Tang and Song Dynasties level.
液压双稳射流激振器在上、下封隔器之间的井筒中产生液压振动波,此振动波通过射孔孔道作用于油层,是用振动法激活油层的一种有效工具。它利用Coanda 效应使液流方向变换流经左通道或
在满足抽油机工作能力条件下, 以耗材最少为目标, 对游梁进行优化设计是降低抽油机成本的一个重要方面。以CYJY10 —3 —53B型游梁抽油机为例, 在游梁杆件长度已定的条件下,以等截面游梁横
在保持原有修井作业功能的前提下, 将海洋修井机有效地改造成可钻多底水平调整井的钻机, 可节约大量投资。以南海某油田A、B 两平台上的K600 型海洋修井机为例, 通过对提升能力及主要
杏树在我国栽培范围广,而黄河流域土壤肥沃,温度、湿度适宜,更是杏树种植的中心地带。怎样才能使杏树早期丰产,创造较高的经济效益呢? Apricot trees in our country a wide
摘 要:本文主要根据海南省陵水县气象局使用新型自动气象站的实际,对新型自动气象站风传感器运行故障进行分析,并探讨了相应的维修方法,最后给出了风传感器的日常维护建议,以供有关部门进行参考借鉴。  关键词:新型自动气象站;风传感器故障;维修处理;维护  随着气象事业的快速发展进步,气象要素观测自动化程度的不断提升,新型自动气象站在我国各个区域得到了广泛普及应用,陵水县气象局自新型自动气象站投入使用以来