1994年1月22日,长庆油田钻井三处运输大队队长何巨川接到一封经采油三厂厂长办公室收转的,来自宁夏农学院的表扬信,寄信人叫何淑芬。令人奇异的是信封上标明着收信人是采油三厂厂长,而真正应该收信的人却是钻三处运输大队领导! 原来事情是这样的:今年1月3日,宁夏农学院林业系93级学生何淑芬,由大水坑乘车返校,到王太车站后,由于回校心切,下车时忘了带走自己的旅行包,等她发现时,交通车已向银川进发了。包里装有身份证、课本、项链、海鸥手表和120元钱。这对从未出过远门的她来说,实在太突然了,她急得不知所措,当时就哭了。不料1月5日,学校通知她说有两个长庆油田的师傅找她,送还遗失的提包,见她忙着考试没敢打扰,在门卫再三要求下才留下姓名。原来钻井三处运输大队那趟交通车的售票员和司机,共产党员高炳贵、赵平议,在发现提包后,清点物品
On January 22, 1994, He Juchuan, the captain of three transport units of drilling wells in Changqing Oilfield, received a letter of acceptance from Ningxia Agricultural College and received a messenger from He Shufen. It is amazing that the envelope is marked by the recipient is the third oil plant manager, but the real person who should receive a letter is drilling three transport brigade leadership! The original thing is this: January 3 this year, Ningxia Agricultural College forestry He Shufen, a 93-grade student, rushed to school from the Puddles. After returning to Wangtai Station, he forgot to take away his bag when getting off the bus. When she found out, the traffic bus had started in Yinchuan . Bag containing ID cards, textbooks, necklaces, seagull watches and 120 dollars. It was so sudden to her that she had never been away, she was overwhelmed and was crying at the time. Unexpectedly, on January 5, the school informed her that there were two chefs from Changqing Oil Field looking for her and returning the missing bag. She did not dare to disturb her examination, leaving her name only after the doorman repeated her request. Originally drilled three transport brigade traffickers and drivers that traffickers, Communist Party members Gao Binggui, Zhao Ping, found the bag, the inventory of goods