脑梗塞出现对侧肢体偏瘫已众所周知,然而随着CT 成像技术在临床上的广泛应用。日益增多地发现脑梗塞表现同侧肢体偏瘫而对侧肢体肌力正常的病例。现将我院所见3例报告如下。病历摘要例1,男,62岁。因右侧肢体活动受限6天入院。既往患高血压病20年,无中风史(包括脑梗塞、脑出血及TIA)。入院前6天突感右侧肢体无力,伴言语含糊不清,口角歪斜,无昏迷及抽搐。体检:血压20/12kPa,神清,双瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射灵
It is well-known that contralateral hemiparesis occurs in cerebral infarction, however, with the wide application of CT imaging technology in clinic. An increasing number of cases of cerebral infarction with ipsilateral limb hemiparesis and contralateral limb muscle strength normal cases. Now I see the hospital reported 3 cases are as follows. Case history summary 1, male, 62 years old. Due to limited right limb activity 6 days admission. Previously suffering from hypertension for 20 years, no history of stroke (including cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and TIA). Six days before admission, sudden sensation on the right limb weakness, with vague vague words, skewed mouth, no coma and convulsions. Physical examination: blood pressure 20 / 12kPa, Shen-Qing, double pupil and other large circle, the spirit of light reflection