Children male, 11 years old. Mild fatigue for 1 year, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath for six months, eye and headache for half a month, coma for 2 days, convulsions 10 times, heart rate breathing stopped 3 times, in December 22, 1985 admission. Physical examination: body temperature 37.8 ℃. Shallow unconscious state. Blood pressure left upper limb is zero, right upper limb is 220/170, lower limb is 290 / 140mmHg. Left carotid artery, left radial artery pulse disappeared. The left neck, left supraclavicular fossa, left quarter ribs and umbilical to xiphoid can be heard between the vascular murmur and touch tremor. Heartbeat pervades heart increased, left margin milk line 1.5cm. Apical systolic murmur. Patches on both sides (+). Laboratory tests: 25,800 leukocytes, 90% neutral, lymphatic 10%. Hemoglobin 8.3g / dl, 3 million red blood cells. Urinary protein (+++), a small number of leucocytes, granular tube (+).