疫霉根颈腐烂病在纽约州,以及在世界其他地区都是苹果树(Malus pumila Miller)根颈和根部最重要的病害,这在大多数苹果栽培地区都曾这样报道过。1978--1984年,从病树上分离到的病原菌,其中最经常碰到的种是恶疫霉Phytophthora cactorum (Lebert & Cohn)Schroeter(S.N.Jeffers,未发表资料);在纽约州和其它处也常会碰到疫霉属的其它一些种。 由疫霉造成根颈腐烂病的初侵染来源的检测工作。目前研究的还很少。关于初次侵染源有两种可能,一是自然受到侵染的果园土壤,再就是定植到果园之前即受到侵染的幼树及苗木。
Phytophthora capsici is the most important disease in the root and neck of Malus pumila Miller in New York State and in other parts of the world, as has been reported in most apple-growing areas. The most commonly encountered species from the diseased tree of 1978-1984 was Phytophthora cactorum (Lebert & Cohn) Schroeter (SN Jeffers, unpublished data); in New York State and elsewhere Phytophthora often encounter some other species. Phytophthora root rot caused by Phytophthora infection detection of the source of the initial work. There are very few studies at present. There are two possibilities for primary sources of infection. One is naturally infested orchard soil and then the young trees and seedlings that were infested prior to planting in orchards.