本地塘角鱼又叫胡子鲶、塘角鱼、塘虱鱼,是我国南方稻田、水渠、池塘常见的一种小型野生鱼类。因其肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、具有滋补、医治小儿疳积等药用价值,深受群众喜爱,市场需求量大,价格较贵,目前市场上塘角鱼的售价高达16~24元/千克。笔者结合养殖实践将塘角鱼池塘养殖技术经验总结如下。1 塘角鱼的生物学特性 塘角鱼体形与其他鲶鱼相似,个体偏小,体色呈土黄色或金黄色,属底栖鱼类,喜暗畏光,白天活动少、多潜伏在水底,夜间活动频繁,善钻穴营居,常数尾群居一穴。它喜温怕冷,耐寒力较差,低温临界温度为7~8℃,最适生长水温22~32℃。耐低氧能力强,在溶氧量为0.8毫克/升以上即能正常生长,可高密度养殖,塘角鱼是以动物性食物为主的杂食性鱼
Local pond hornfish, also known as catfish, pond corner fish, pond louse fish, rice fields in southern China, drains, ponds common small wild fish. Because of its delicate meat, delicious taste, with nourishing, medical treatment of pediatric products and other medicinal value, loved by the masses, the market demand, the price is more expensive, the current market price of Tong Kok fish up to 16 to 24 yuan / kg. The author combines farming practice Tong pond fish pond farming experience is summarized as follows. The biological characteristics of a corner pond Fish pond corner fish shape and other similar catfish, individuals are small, body color was yellow or golden yellow, is a benthic fish, like dark light, less daytime activities, and more latent in the water, Frequent activities at night, good drilling camp, constant tail group a hole. It likes warm and cold, poor cold resistance, low temperature critical temperature of 7 ~ 8 ℃, the optimum temperature of 22 ~ 32 ℃. Strong resistance to hypoxia, dissolved oxygen in the amount of 0.8 mg / L or more that can grow normally, can be high-density aquaculture, Tang Kok fish is mainly animal food omnivorous fish