18 5 5年七月十四日夜 (按 :为行文方便 ,本文日期一律使用农历 ) ,位处中国西北边疆的新疆塔尔巴哈台人民放火焚烧了俄国贸易圈 ,这就是震惊西北的塔城火烧贸易圈事件。事发后 ,清政府采取息事宁人的方针 ,最终于 185 8年同沙俄签订《塔尔巴哈台议定补贴条约》,答应重修被焚的
The night of July 14, 1855 was set on fire by the people of Tarjabaha in Xinjiang in the northwestern frontier of China, setting fire to the Russian trade circle. This was a shock to Tacheng in the northwest Burning trade circle incident. After the incident, the Qing government took the principle of “rest and quiet” and eventually signed the Targ Al-Baotai Agreed Subsidy Treaty with Russia in 1888, promising to rebuild it