
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:warinkeng
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目的:对农村老年居民慢性病中医保健知识的了解和需求情况进行调查,探讨如何更好地为农村老年居民提供中医保健健康知识。方法:选取599名农村老年居民和590名城镇老年居民,对其慢性病中医防治知识的需求情况进行调查和分析。结果:农村老年居民中不了解中医保健知识的人数最多,有395名,占总数的65.94%;认为中医保健知识效果不好的317人,占52.92%;亲戚、朋友是获取中医保健知识的最主要渠道,占28.21%;农村老年居民关于膳食指导、生活起居知识、情志调节知识、中医用药指导、中医常用适宜技术和常见疾病康复等常见慢性的中医防治知识需求得分明显低于城镇老年居民(P<0.05)。结论:农村老年居民对慢性病中医防治知识需求度较低,对中医保健知识的重要性认识不足,应引起重视。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the understanding and needs of traditional Chinese medicine health care knowledge among elderly residents in rural areas and to explore ways to better provide Chinese rural health care knowledge to elderly residents. Methods: A total of 599 elderly residents in rural areas and 590 elderly residents in urban areas were selected to investigate and analyze their needs for knowledge of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Results: The number of elderly residents in rural areas who did not know TCM health care was the highest, with 395, accounting for 65.94% of the total. 317 people, who considered health care knowledge of Chinese medicine poor, accounted for 52.92%; relatives and friends were the most The main channel, accounting for 28.21%; elderly residents in rural areas about dietary guidance, living knowledge, emotional adjustment knowledge, Chinese medicine guidance, traditional Chinese medicine commonly used techniques and common diseases such as common chronic disease prevention and treatment knowledge required score was significantly lower than the urban elderly residents (P <0.05). Conclusion: The elderly residents in rural areas need less knowledge about the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and lack of understanding of the importance of TCM knowledge, which deserves our attention.