本刊去年12期刊载了修订的《中华人民共和国会计法》。半年来 ,我们发表了财政部副部长张佑才、会计司司长冯淑萍关于宣传贯彻《会计法》的重要文章。我们还开辟了《学习宣传会计法》专栏 ,发表了不少文章 ,介绍了为什么要修订《会计法》、这次修订《会计法》的主要内容及精神实质、贯彻实施《会计法》的重要意义等 ,对推动《会计法》的学习、宣传起到了好的作用。新的《会计法》已于7月1日实施 ,学习、宣传、贯彻《会计法》是一项长期的任务 ,本刊将继续开辟宣传贯彻《会计法》专栏 ,除刊登一些学习、宣传《会计法》内容的文章外 ,重点刊载各地工会贯彻实施《会计法》的措施、办法 ,《会计法》执行的情况 ,问题和解决的办法、意见 ,希望广大财会干部和作者踊跃撰稿。
Our magazine published the revised “Accounting Law of the People’s Republic of China” in the last 12 issues. In the past six months, we published Zhang Youcai, Vice Minister of Finance, and Feng Shuping, director of the Accounting Department, on important articles on promoting the implementation of the Accounting Law. We also opened up the column of “Learning and Propaganda Accounting Law” and published many articles on why we need to revise the “Accounting Law”. This revision of the main content and spirit of the “Accounting Law” and the importance of implementing the “Accounting Law” Meaning, etc., to promote the “accounting law” learning, advocacy has played a good role. The new “Accounting Law” was implemented on July 1, learning, publicizing and implementing the “Accounting Law” is a long-term task, this publication will continue to open up publicity and implementation of the “Accounting Law” column, in addition to publish some learning, publicity “ Accounting Law, ”the articles, the focus of the trade unions around the implementation of the“ Accounting Law ”measures and measures,“ Accounting Law ”the implementation of the problems and solutions to the views expressed hope that the majority of accounting cadres and authors enthusiastic writing.