野兽凶猛 灰色的童年、辍学、一份仅能糊口的工作、结婚生子直至生命尽头。纽约布鲁克林黑人聚居区——充斥着暴力犯罪的贫民窟的代名词。这里的黑孩子似乎命中注定被剥夺过美好生活的权利,一成不变地重复着父辈的生活。1966年6月30日,谁也没想到一个在这里降生的小男孩,二十年后成为了布鲁克林的骄傲,他就是迈克·泰森。 泰森很小时就习惯了用拳头解决问题,强壮的身体素质,好狠斗勇的强烈个性很快使他成为当时臭名昭著的流氓团伙中最年轻、
Beast ferocious gray childhood, drop out of school, a subsistence work, married and have children until the end of life. Brooklyn, New York - A synonym for slums full of violent crime. The black children here seem to be destined to be deprived of the right to a better life, repeating the lives of their fathers unchanged. June 30, 1966, no one thought of a young boy born here, twenty years later became the pride of Brooklyn, he is Mike Tyson. Tyson was accustomed to use his fist to solve the problem at a very young age, strong physical fitness, fierce and courageous strong personality quickly made him the youngest rogue gang was notorious,