First, jujube bite 1. Symptoms. After the onset of jujube, the main manifestations of physiological disorders of the tree, endogenous hormones imbalance, yellow leaves, branches twig, flower back ancestral, fruit deformity. Roots of diseased plants showed nodules, root tillering plants showed tufted branches, and some did not show significant performance in the second year when buds show Congzhi. There are two kinds of leaf performance: one for the leaflet type, branches and leaves, slender, lobular yellow; the other is a mosaic type, leaf uneven, irregular block, yellow and green uneven, pale leaf color . These two kinds of leaves appear in the jujube head. Flower performance for the stem elongation into branchlets, calyx, petals, stamens become branches, top 1 to 3 leaflets long. Fruit symptoms showed serious drop fruit, preserved fruit deformity, fruit verrucous process, coloring uneven, was spotted face, fruit texture soft.