目前的民兵军事训练存在时间短、内容多、抽人难、经费缺、层次低等问题。专业技术兵训练不仅种类少,装备落后,而且质量差,与战时动员扩编所需差距较大。每年新入队民兵参加军训后,由于受各方面条件限制,难以巩固训练成果,加之大的战争一时打不起来,我认为有必要进行改革。对此提出四点建议: 第一,改进方法,以除“四难”。随着社会发展进步,教育普及提前,民兵的来源几
The current militia training has short existence time, many contents, difficulty in drawing people, lack of funds, and low level. The training of professional technical soldiers is not only less type, equipment is backward, but also poor quality, and the gap required to mobilize expansion in wartime. Every year after the newly recruited militia enters the military training camp, due to various conditions and constraints, it is difficult to consolidate the training results. In addition to the large-scale war, it can not be hit and I think it is necessary to carry out reforms. Four suggestions are made in this regard: First, to improve the method to eliminate “four difficulties.” With the social progress and education popularization in advance, the sources of the militia are few