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2017年7月12日,国务院总理李克强主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论通过《关于强化实施创新驱动发展战略进一步推进大众创业万众创新深入发展的意见》。会议确定,要创新政府管理,优化“双创”服务,拓展融资渠道,促进产业升级,强化人才支撑。要加快推动涉企证照登记和备案的各类信息整合至营业执照,建设全国统一的电子营业执照管理系统,对内外资企业推动实施一个窗口登记注册和限时办结。取消企业名称预先核准,推广自主申报。全面实施企业简易注销登记改革。推进跨省经营企业部分涉税事项全国通办和手机银行等多元化缴税方式。出台公 On July 12, 2017, Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting to discuss and adopt the “Opinions on Strengthening the Implementation of Innovation-Driven Development Strategy to Further Promote Innovation and Further Develop the Public Entrepreneurship.” The meeting decided to innovate government management, optimize “double create ” service, expand financing channels, promote industrial upgrading, and strengthen personnel support. It is necessary to speed up the integration of various types of information related to the registration and filing of enterprises’ certificates and licenses into business licenses, establish a unified national electronic business license management system, and promote the registration of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises and the conclusion of the deadline. Cancel the pre-approval of the name of the enterprise and promote the independent declaration. Full implementation of corporate cancellation of registration reform. Promote cross-provincial business part of the tax matters nationwide and mobile banking and other diversified tax methods. Introduced public
[目的]探讨氯诺昔康对瑞芬太尼痛觉过敏现象的防治作用.[方法]选择因甲状腺肿块行择期手术患者40例,随机分为A、B两组(n=20),A组在诱导前予以氯诺昔康16 mg,B组在诱导前予以生