Expression profile analysis of 9 heat shock protein genes throughout the life cycle and under abioti

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Plant heat shock proteins (Hsps) facilitate protein folding or assembly under diverse developmental and adverse environmental conditions. Nine OsHsps were identified in our previous study from a proteomic analysis of rice cv. IRAT 109 leaf samples at the seedling stage under drought stress. To obtain additional information on the 9 OsHsp genes, this study focused on an expression profile analysis at different development stages throughout the life cycle of rice, and under different abiotic stresses and phyto-hormone treatments. The 9 genes exhibited distinctive expression patterns in different organs or development stages. Five of the genes (OsHsp72.90, OsHsp72.57, OsHsp71.18, OsHsp24.15 and OsHsp18.03) showed high expression in the endosperm, indicating that OsHsp genes may play important roles in rice seed development. All 9 OsHsps were up-regulated under heat, polyethylene glycol, and abscisic acid treatment, whereas salt stress caused up-regulation of 6 genes (OsHsp93.04, OsHsp71.10, OsHsp71.18, OsHsp72.57, OsHsp24.15 and OsHsp18.03) and cold stress resulted in down-regulation of OsHsp93.04 and OsHsp72.57. These diverse expression profiles imply potential functional diversity of the Hsp gene family in rice. Nine OsHsps were identified in our previous study from a proteomic analysis of rice cv. IRAT 109 leaf samples at the seedling stage under drought stress. additional information on the 9 OsHsp genes, this study focused on an expression profile analysis at different development stages throughout the life cycle of rice, and under different abiotic stresses and phyto-hormone treatments. The 9 genes have noted distinctive expression patterns in different organs or development Five of the genes (OsHsp72.90, OsHsp72.57, OsHsp71.18, OsHsp24.15 and OsHsp18.03) showed high expression in the endosperm, indicating that OsHsp genes may play important roles in rice seed development. All 9 OsHsps were up-regulated under heat, polyethylene glycol, and abscisic acid treatment, salt stress caused up-regulation of 6 genes (OsHsp93.04, OsHsp71.1 0, OsHsp71.18, OsHsp72.57, OsHsp24.15 and OsHsp18.03) and cold stress resulted in down-regulation of OsHsp93.04 and OsHsp72.57. These diverse expression profiles imply potential functional diversity of the Hsp gene family in rice .
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