Retinoblastoma to infants and young children accounted for the vast majority of adults is extremely rare. According to the domestic report, the maximum age of onset is 56 years. Our hospital admitted in 1989 a 48-year-old male patient, are as follows. Hu XX male 48 years old Zhejiang Yongkang people hospital 18088. The patient was blind for 2 months in the right eye, 2 weeks in the right migraine, and 1 week in the left eye. On June 1, 1989 to the right intraocular tumor, left eye retinal choroiditis income in this hospital. No abnormalities in the whole body examination Right eye without light feeling, left eye 1.2. Right conjunctival hyperemia, corneal edema, KP (+), aqueous humor (+). Iris atrophy and see new blood vessels, the pupil about 6mm, the reaction disappeared. Transparent crystal, vitreous opacity, blurred vision can be