
来源 :河北法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shyfan
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长期以来,举证责任的分配和转移问题一直是我国刑事诉讼法学界争议的问题。争议的焦点主要有两个,一是人民法院是否负举证责任,二是被告人是否负举证责任。笔者认为,要搞清举证责任的分担和转移问题,既要考查举证责任的历史沿革,又要结合中国诉讼制度的实际情况,对与举 For a long time, the issue of the distribution and transfer of the burden of proof has always been a controversial issue in the criminal law jurisprudence in China. There are mainly two controversies, one is whether the people’s court bears the burden of proof and the other is whether the defendant should bear the burden of proof. The author believes that to find out the burden of proof of the burden of sharing and transfer, it is necessary to examine the historical evolution of the burden of proof, but also with the actual situation of China’s litigation system,
7月3日至7日,IMO海环委(MEPC)第71届会议在伦敦总部召开,IMO秘书长林基泽致开幕词,Arsenio Dominguez主持会议。来自98个成员国、2个准会员、3个联合国和专门机构、8个政府间组
1 病例报告例1,男,58岁,因进行性吞咽困难伴胸骨后疼痛4月余,于1992年8月6日入院.X线钡餐检查:食管中上段约6cm处黏膜破坏,管腔狭窄及球状充盈缺损,诊断为食管中上段癌.胃镜