目的 通过回顾分析19例民航飞行人员冠心病的临床特点和医学鉴定情况,为飞行人员冠心病医学鉴定和航卫保障工作提供参考. 方法回顾分析我国南方航空公司2002~2006年5年间19例新发冠心病飞行人员的临床和医学鉴定资料,总结其特点. 结果对象均为男性,发病年龄40~57(52.9±3.9)岁,平均飞行时间18 210 h,其中驾驶员12例,机械师7例;2002~2006年年均发病率为2.64‰,各年之间发病率比较无显著差异(x2=1.251,P>0.05);深圳分公司发病例数最多,为9例,年均发病率为9.50‰,与广州、武汉和郑州分公司比较,深圳分公司飞行人员冠心病的发病率明显偏高(P0.05);冠状动脉造影显示病变血管以中重度狭窄为主,其中单支病变8例,双支病变10例,3支病变1例.4例获特许飞行合格,至今最长安全飞行时间>2000 h. 结论加强心血管病危险因素干预是预防冠心病的根本,冠心病介入治疗为飞行人员冠心病后重获飞行资格创造了条件.“,”Objective To provide reference for civil aviation medical identification and aeromedical support by retrospective analysis of 19 cases of civil aircrew of the clinical characteristics with coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods The clinical data and medical identification data of 19 cases of civil aircrew with CHD from 2002 to 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Results All subjects are men, age from 40 to 57 (52.9±3. 9). The average flight times were 18 210 hours.Among all the cases, 12 cases were pilots, 7 cases were mechanician. The annual average incidence rate of CHD from 2002 to 2006 was 2.64‰. There was no significant difference between the incidence rate(x2 = 1. 251, P>0.05). The incidence rate in Shenzhen was significantly higher than that in Guangzhou,Wuhan and Zhengzhou (P<0.05). Coronary artery angiography (CAG) showed 8 cases with single vessel disease, 10 cases with double vessel disease and 1 case with triple vessel disease.Conclusions To strengthen the intervention of cardiovascular disease risk factors is fundamental to the prevention of CHD. The treatment of percutaneous coronary intervention provides the conditions for aircrew who suffered from CHD to resume eligibility.