开封市顺河回族区4位女武装部长用汗水书写武装工作辉煌诗篇的事迹很动人。值此“三八”国际妇女节之际,本刊刊登这篇通讯,向她们及战斗在武装工作第一线的全体女专武干部致以崇高的敬礼。并道一声:节日好,你们辛苦了! 武装工作的基础在基层。而基层武装干部则是战斗在第一线的人。他(她)们身处军地结合部,又都身兼数职,工作任务十分繁重,但工作条件、生活待遇又都比较差,有的在专武工作岗位上干了十几年。几十年来,他们无怨无悔,兢兢业业地工作着,奉献着。他(她)们的动力来自哪里?开封4位女部长用行动作出了回答——来自她们对党的无限忠诚,对武装工作的无限热爱。
The four female armed secretaries of the Shunhe River in Kaifeng City used the sweat to write brilliant poems in the armed work. On the occasion of the “March 8” International Women’s Day, this magazine publishes this newsletter and pays high tribute to them and to all the women’s special forces fighting in the front line of armed work. And said: Festival is good, you worked hard! Armed work is based at the grassroots level. The grass-roots armed cadres are fighting in the first line of people. He / she is in the military integration department, both of them have several jobs and the tasks are very heavy. However, their working conditions and living conditions are still relatively poor. Some of them have spent more than 10 years in military education. For decades, they have worked hard and dedication without regret. Where did the motivators come from? The four female ministers in Kaifeng replied with their actions - from their infinite loyalty to the party and their immense love of armed work.