心脏粘液瘤以左房多见,其次为右房、左室、右室.双心房同时发生粘液瘤临床罕见。现报道1例。 患者,男,41岁。反复心悸气急近5月,加重2周就诊,诊为“风湿性心脏病”给予扩血管药物、利尿剂等治疗,症状好转不明显。病程中无发热及关节疼痛,也无黑朦及昏厥。体检:HR 110次/分,BP 14/8 kPa,颈静脉怒张,肝-颈静脉回流征阳性,两肺底闻及细湿啰音,心界向两侧扩大,心律齐,二尖瓣听诊区可闻及舒张期杂音,未闻附加音。肝
Myxoma of the heart more common to the left atrium, followed by the right atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle. Is reported in 1 case. Patient, male, 41 years old. Repeated palpitation urgency in recent May, increased 2 weeks treatment, diagnosed as “rheumatic heart disease” to give vasodilators, diuretics and other treatment, the symptoms did not improve significantly. No fever in the course of disease and joint pain, no dark hazy and fainting. Physical examination: HR 110 beats / min, BP 14/8 kPa, jugular vein engorgement, liver-jugular venous reflux sign positive, both lungs smell and fine wet rales, the heart to both sides of the expansion, heart rhythm Qi, mitral valve Auscultation area can be heard and diastolic murmur, no additional sound. liver